Volume 30 Issue 35 19 Nov 2021 15 Kislev 5782

Tzedakah Leaders

Being a Tzedakah Leader in Year 6 is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to donate to charities in need. In Term 4, the charity we supported was Wires, an animal welfare charity. As Tzedakah Leaders, we have supported many charities like JNF, Close the Gap, Children’s Ground and WIRES. Our main goal is to help others in need and to raise awareness. 

Having the opportunity to be a Tzedakah Leader is an incredible chance to help others in need. I was so excited when I was chosen to have the opportunity to be a Tzedakah Leader. Every week, we would have a meeting and talk about charities we were going to support. We came up with an abundance of charities in need that we were going to support. Personally, my favourite charity we’ve donated to was Wires, where we had to dress up in animal clothing and bring in a gold coin. Being a Tzedakah Leader brought fun and excitement to Year 6 by donating to those in need. I’ve donated to so many charities I haven’t donated to before and it’s a fantastic way to raise awareness for those who need it. None of this would be possible without Ms Rosenfeld and Ms Haddix, who were major helpers during the process of Tzedakah Leading. 
By Chloe Ginzberg

This year I was chosen to be a Charity Leader. I loved it. We would meet up every week and discuss ways to help those in need, human, animal and bush. My favourite charity this year was Closing the Gap. It was an amazing opportunity to get the whole school involved and have fun. We coloured paper hands, dressed in red, yellow, and black, and donated to the charity. We raised so much, had a heap of fun, and it was for a good cause! I feel like this year has shown me that there are other things because before this anything I thought I wouldn’t like I just said no but now I am much more open to things. Thank you so much, Ms Haddix and Ms Rosenfeild for being our mentors. We had a great time and I enjoyed it so much.
By Indigo Joseph-Steward

This year I had a fun and enjoyable time being a Tzedakah Leader. I loved the opportunity of helping with fundraising. We chose four amazing charities from JNF, Close the Gap, WIRES and Children’s Ground. Each week on a Tuesday at lunch we would all catch up to talk about what charities we should raise funds for. We also spent our meeting time making announcements, posters and counting the money that was raised. During this crazy and unique year we still managed to have a lot of fun being a Tzedakah Leader. My favourite charity was Children’s Ground because we were able to wear colours to represent the Aboriginal flag. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Haddix, Ms Rosenfeld and all the other teachers and students who helped with Tzedakah this year.
By Joshua Greenfield

I loved being a Tzedakah Leader this year because there were so many opportunities and it was amazing to help out our community by raising money for them or giving Tzedakah. At the beginning I didn’t really like being a Charity Leader but it has got so much better and more fun throughout the year. Even though we were in lockdown for 12 weeks we still had meetings when we got back to school and organised a charity event this week. Thank you Ms Haddix, Ms Rosenfield and everyone that helped us out this year to make our events happen.  
By Maxim Demos