Volume 27 Issue 34 09 Nov 2018 1 Kislev 5779

Year 6 into 7 Transition Day

Cade Collins

Samara Trenaman

Year 6-7 Transition Day

Is being in High School really as bad as it sounds? This Monday, the current Year 6 cohort, Class of 2024, came in to test out being in High School for the day, accompanied by 16 amazing Year 10 Peer Support Leaders.

They started the day meeting with the most important person in the school, Ms Chopard, who gave stern warnings about the importance of walking on the left side of the stairs. The Peer Support Leaders then split the year up into small groups, walking the Year 6s through their worries, excitements and questions, and providing essential advice for surviving High School at Emanuel.

The students then experienced different ‘sample classes’, experiencing High School periods for the first time – making smoothies with Ms Ephron, learning about HSIE with Mr Bell, sitting in Science with Ms Selinger and Mathematics with Ms Lyons or Mr Gilhooly. A huge thank you to these teachers for taking time out of their busy schedules to run these sample lessons for Year 6.

We played fun games at lunch, and did the classic crowd-pleaser, the Amazing Race after lunch.

“This day was LOTS of fun and I enjoyed our Peer Support Leaders a lot!”, said a Year 6 student.

The students learnt about who they could go to with their Year 7 problems and how similar all their problems were. It was an important day to help transition the Year 6 students into Year 7 2019.

So… is High School really as scary as it sounds?

By Cade Collins and Samara Trenaman

(Peer Support Leaders 2018/19)