Volume 27 Issue 34 09 Nov 2018 1 Kislev 5779

Year 3 Torah stories in Genesis

Adam Carpenter | Head of Jewish Studies Primary

Year 3 – Exploring the תורה/Torah stories in Genesis

This semester in Jewish Studies, Year 3 students and Morah Gaida are exploring and grappling with iconic Torah stories from the book of Genesis. Whilst reading the stories, students engage in discussions, debates and are encouraged to pose questions of the text and the characters. This interactive process brings the text and stories alive and allows students to see they are active agents in finding and creating meaning in the תורה/Torah.

תורה/Torah means ‘teachings’ and students constantly reflect on what the Torah, its stories, characters and mitzvot are teaching us and how this ancient text relates to our modern lives. Students have been introduced to midrashim (creative interpretations and explanations of the Torah text) and have been writing their own midrashim to share their own understandings.