Volume 27 Issue 34 09 Nov 2018 1 Kislev 5779

Year 6 World Expo

Gideon Pozniak

Joshua Fraser

Make way, make way! Introducing the rulers of the world! National representatives on behalf of their rulers, personally invite you to visit the expo of new and unknown countries. If you are intrigued to come and make our acquaintance, simply visit World Expo on 14 November in the kingdom commonly known as Emanuel.

The Expo will be located in the secret space known as the Angles Leadership and Learning Centre. If you are a student your visit times are from 2.15 pm to 3.15 pm, and if you are of the age in which you are considered an adult, your visit time will be from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm.

Students may join us at the evening session too if they are accompanied by an adult. We are counting on you to be there!

By Gideon Pozniak and Joshua Fraser, the rulers of the nation of Alba and Hicce respectively