Volume 27 Issue 34 09 Nov 2018 1 Kislev 5779

From the Principal

Andrew Watt

David Gonski AC visit 

We were fortunate to have the opportunity to host David Gonski AC, Chancellor of UNSW, President of the Art Gallery of NSW and architect of two significant reports into Education in Australia. The first Gonski Report reviewed funding for schools, and the Gonski 2.0 Report reviewed how to best direct funding to achieve excellence in Australian Schools. During his tour of Emanuel, Mr Gonski commented on how much the facilities had improved since his previous visit many years ago, under Dr Carter. He was impressed with the level of engagement of students that he observed as he visited both the Primary School and High School. Our Year 12 Economics students welcomed Mr Gonski into their class and made good use of the opportunity to ask questions. In the course of the conversation, Mr Gonski offered some great advice that can be useful for every student:

  1. Always seize opportunities, no matter how obscure or unattainable they may be.
  2. As you learn, whatever you do, it’s all cumulative. Life is a continuing learning process and your judgement is what’s  terribly important.
  3. Always follow your dreams.
  4. (Don’t be afraid to) put your neck on the line.

Finding connections between STEAM and Jewish life 

Our Year 7 Tutor Groups enjoyed a STEAM Day, led by Emanuel staff and STEAMPop (http://steampop.zone/lumifold-project/), to construct lanterns to be used in the Kristallnacht commemoration. Our students began the day with a program to learn about the power of light in Judaism and the role we have in spreading good throughout the world. They then worked to create Binary Bugs using probability concepts and binary ‘on/off’, to colour in unique patterns. Using specific folding, students made a 3D bug from a 2D piece of paper. This knowledge was then transferred over to fold larger pieces of paper into lanterns that were placed on display in the MPH. These lamps and lanterns formed a significant part of the Kristallnacht Ceremony on Thursday.

The events around the Night of the Broken Glass (9-10 November, 1938) were commemorated as an Emanuel community, with the light display symbolising the power of our choices, for good; to be upstanders, not bystanders, to ensure that history never repeats. This was a special time for staff and students, as we reflected on a number of student readings and songs, followed by a moment’s silence.

The best night of the year, every year! 

A big call? A parent declared this, prior to the commencement of the Night of Instrumental Music – and it was indeed an impressive display of our depth of musical talent. For over two hours, the audience was enthralled by a variety of performances from over a third of our students. The progression from beginners in our IP program, to our more sophisticated bands and ensembles (and five-member saxophone ‘quartets’!) was evident, as was the joy of performing before an appreciative audience. Our thanks to the Music teachers, tutors and conductors, who trained, shaped and guided the performances. We are very proud. Thanks also to our Head of Music, and architect of the evening, Diana Springford.

Safety first and foremost

We have recently received a number of complaints of poor driving behaviour by our parents. It is important that we all obey the rules of the road in order to ensure that we do not put the students and other drivers in danger. I understand that drop off in the morning can be hectic, particularly if you are rushing to get somewhere. However, lives are more precious than getting to your destination on time. We appreciate your support in this matter.

Mazal tov

  • Ben Torban (Year 9) came first place in both Junior Latin Open and Junior Latin B and C Level, at the ADS East Coast Classic National Championships recently
  • Coby New (Year 9) has been collecting second-hand soccer boots for the past four years and recently donated footballs to the Jilkminggan School students
  • Be the Change students: Reinforced Reading at Chifley told us that their students really love working with our students and are benefiting from the 1:1 literacy assistance
  • Rachel Turtledove (Head Madricha) and Joshua New (Head Madrich) (pictured below) represented our School at the NAJEX Remembrance Day Commemoration and laid a tribute in memory of Danny Goldberg.


Quote of the week

“Never mistake a single mistake with a final mistake.”

Scott Fitzgerald