Volume 27 Issue 34 09 Nov 2018 1 Kislev 5779


Terry Aizen – Director Kornmehl

Transition to school

Starting school is a significant event in the life of children and their families. We know that strong relationships and information sharing between families, early childhood settings and schools help support a child’s successful transition to school. It is a period of change that can be both challenging and exciting.

At this time of the year we focus on the children’s transition to school. We believe the more we discuss going to school and the feelings and emotions associated with starting school, the better prepared and equipped the children are. For this reason, a lot of focus is being given to the children’s transition to school this term. We spend time talking about what to expect, how we are feeling as well as go on walks with the children through the campus.

The transition from Pre-school to school offers opportunities and challenges. We acknowledge that different places and spaces have their own purposes, expectations and ways of doing things. For this reason, we aim to build on the children’s prior and current experiences to help them feel secure, confident and connected to familiar people, places, events and understandings. We are all important contributors (the children, families and early childhood educators) to a successful transition to school (EYLF, 2009). 

We need to think about giving children a positive understanding and experience of school as a safe, enjoyable place. We need to acknowledge that children have individual needs, interests and skills and allow and encourage positive communication between children, families, child care professionals and school educators. We need to also make time for the children to visit their new school environment before starting through orientation visits etc.

We asked the children how they are feeling about starting school?

Leo P: I feel happy because I am going to be a big person and I can be in two classrooms. I will learn to read and write and do my numbers.

Zella: I am very, very happy because it’s my first time and I will learn everything. I will learn Maths and reading. I am really nervous because I have never done it before. The visits helped me a lot.

Ariella M: I am excited. I want to be big. I want to play soccer at school. I want to learn Maths and do homework. It looks like fun.

Luca: I will make new friends. I am going to learn maths and how to read and spell. I am feeling a bit nervous. This is my first time going to big school.

Alicia: I am happy because I never went to school before and I feel like it’s going to be the best. I might get to see my sisters Lexi and Emma. They will walk with me to my classroom. I am excited. I think I might learn to read books.

Sam: I am excited to be able to read a story by myself. I will be at Emanuel soon. My brother needed help the other day and I read something for him. I will see my brother and sister at recess.

National Recycling Week

We are very excited about National Recycling week coming up next week from Monday 12 November.

We invite all parents to join us during the next few weeks and spend time with your child on arrival in the mornings, making a Channukiah out of recycled materials. We encourage parents to collaborate with their child and enjoy the time to construct something creative together. We are looking forward to displaying all the amazing Channukiot during our concert weeks.


Playball this term has continued to provide the children with many different gross-motor activities and ball skills. The coaches Jenny and Al are able to challenge the children physically and extend their skills. The children look forward to Playball on a Monday and enjoy their time very much. This term parents are invited to an open session of Playball, to observe what their children have been learning.

The Dolphin open lesson will be on Monday 20 November at 9.30 am.

The Starfish open lesson will be on Monday 3 December at 9.30 am.

The Seashell open lesson was held on Monday 10 December at 9.30 am.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Justine Robertson, who celebrates her birthday on Monday next week. We hope you have a special day.