Volume 30 Issue 9 26 Mar 2021 13 Nisan 5781

Parents and Friends

Ruby Berkovic and Jennifer Opit

Hi Everyone,

And just like that, Term One is over!

Friday Chill Out 

We hope to see many of you after School today at our first Friday Afternoon Chill Out in far too long.

As today is the the last day of Term One, join us from 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm, to stay back at school for an icy-pole and a catch up with other parents while the kids play. It’s a beautiful tradition of ending our week together that we can’t wait to resume.

Where: Basketball Courts 
What: Icy-poles $1.00 – $2.00

**Please note, parents must supervise and be responsible for their kids at all times in the designated Friday Chill Out area. ** 

Challah is back

From Term 2 we will be able to resume challah sales!

You can eliminate the hassle of having to pick up your weekly challah and support the Parents & Friends at the same time. We will be distributing freshly baked challah every Friday at the cost of $4.50 and your kids can pick it up outside reception between 3.20 pm – 3.40 pm on a Friday afternoon. (Gluten free challah is available at $10.00 a loaf).

The challot must be pre-ordered. Please register your interest here 

Parents and Friends meeting

Our next Parents & Friends meeting falls in the term break and so it will be cancelled. Please contact us if you need anything before May’s meeting.

Weekend brain teaser (from last week) and answer

Question: Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I?

Answer: The number 8.

Have a fantastic break and Chag Pesach Sameach.

Jen & Ruby