Volume 30 Issue 9 26 Mar 2021 13 Nisan 5781

Meir Advocate

Georgia Kahane – Year 12

Charlotte Lyons – Year 12

Hi everyone!

As this is the last week of term, here is what has been happening in Term 1 in Meir.

Term motto

Every term Meir picks a different motto, it is something that we discuss in House assemblies and Tutor and try to embody over the term.

This term’s motto was:

‘It’s not in our stars, it’s in ourselves’.

We have control over our fate and our actions, we have to take charge and responsibility for what goes on in our lives and be grateful for the opportunities that are presented to us. 

During one of our amazing House assemblies, Elia Gil-Munoz (Year 12), spoke to us about this motto. She reminded us that we are at a time in life when our stars will change constantly and often in really unexpected ways. From here we should not fear what may come, but embrace the change and the possibilities. 

We encourage you to also embrace this motto and be grateful and embrace everything around you. 

House assemblies 

This term’s House assemblies were jammed packed with activities. To start the term, we reflected on our holidays and created our ideal 2021 selves. We also created ‘Inclusivity Pledges’, that are beautifully decorating the Meir corridor. As a House we are committed to being our true selves and encouraging and enabling this for others and our pledges reflect such. 

This term has also been the first term that we have had consistent House assemblies because of COVID-19 and it has been amazing to see the whole House together again! 

House Music

Over the past few weeks, we have also been practising our House Music Dance! House Music will take place in Term 2 Week 4 and whilst I cannot disclose much about Meir’s dance and plans, other Houses – be warned!! 

Here is what some Meirians had to say about the dance: 

“I am really looking forward to the house dance as we haven’t had House Music in over two years!” – Clio (Year 10) 
“The choreography is delightful to learn! The dance itself is engaging and exciting and we cannot wait to perform!” – Eden (Year 10)

Here’s a teaser from one of the choreographers, Dean (Year 12), “Cos you’re hot and you’re cold! You’re yes and you’re no!”. 

Get excited for House Music!!!! 

Swimming Carnival 

This term, High School had its annual swimming carnival! Every Meirain came decked out in green and silver with lots of enthusiasm. Many Meirians were participating and it was an amazing day. Meir placed 3rd in the carnival and Ruth Durbach (Year 9), was Age Champion. Congratulations! We also had many Meirians moving onto CDSSA swimming where they performed magnificently. 


In Week 5 we celebrated Purim! Everyone looked amazing in their costumes and had great discussions about the Purim story and what it means.

We hope you all have a relaxing and safe break, can’t wait to see everyone back in Term 2!