Volume 30 Issue 9 26 Mar 2021 13 Nisan 5781

The Good Box

Adele Volf – Year 9

Being the Change, One Box at a Time

Last Thursday, Year 9 Be The Change class had an engaging and informative workshop with Gali Blacher and Maddy Jones, founders of The Good Box, around issues of homelessness and how to start your own social enterprise. Students learned about the different types of homelessness, their causes and solutions as well as the many organisations in place to help out. They also learned about the challenges of starting a new social enterprise and the benefits of having a partner with whom to work on these special projects. Students loved writing personal notes to add to the Pet Boxes and Women’s Boxes that they built and packed.

“I think the most important thing I learnt yesterday at the Good Box session was that homeless people feel so much affection even from the slightest kindness towards them. I felt very happy making a cute note for them and packing the box. It felt like I was helping them through something that can affect someone so badly that they could be couch surfing, sleeping rough (sleeping outside on the streets/train) or sleeping in a crowded house in a bedroom with around 7-15 people. It made me feel VERY special that I have an opportunity to help them and put my effort into something that will make them SO happy.”