Volume 30 Issue 9 26 Mar 2021 13 Nisan 5781

Primary News

Natanya Milner – Head of Primary School


There has been much discussion about consent in the media and its importance in education. In Primary School, we feel strongly that we set the foundations of students’ understanding of consent. This is something that is discussed in Kindergarten and continues throughout the Primary years in age appropriate ways. In formal programs, students discuss these themes in their protective behaviours lessons where they explore ‘public’ vs ‘private’ parts, ‘yes’ and ‘no’ feelings and the importance of telling a trusted adult. Consent is also a theme that can be discussed as students navigate respectful friendships and relationships. We are able to draw on the Leader in Me concept of ‘courage and consideration’. It is vital that students have the courage to say no and have their wishes respected. It is also essential that students are taught to do this with consideration – in a way that respects the feelings and rights of those involved. These concepts can be related to relationships with family and friends and do not need to wait until students are exploring romantic relationships. We value the opportunity to reinforce the key messages in both our homes and our school.

Music Competition

This week’s music competition was absolutely gorgeous and such a wonderful showcase of the incredible talent on offer at Emanuel. I would like to wish the students who performed a huge MAZAL TOV. I am so proud of you! Well done to Koben Benko, Zella Benko, Oliver Mendoza-Jones and Stevie Zurnamer in Years K-2 and Veronica Aranov, Mia Chesler, Misha Grynberg, Seth Nachman, Aaron Pal, Isaac Shammay, Nathan Shammay and Leah Zipser in Years 3-6.

A huge thank you to Danny Burley, Jo De Araujo, Antonio Fernandez, Ben Marshall, Remi Owen, Sarit Spira, Di Springford  and the team of music tutors for the fantastic concert and for the energy and commitment that they put into our children each and every day.

Museum Day

What a fun event! It was fabulous to see the Year 1 students present their learning over the past term as they investigated the past, artefacts and history. Thank you to Ms Chester and Mrs Silver for organising this week’s Museum Day. Thank you to all our parents who braved the rain to join us.

Year 1 and 2 Swimming Carnival

It was lovely to end the term with the Years 1 and 2 Swimming Carnival. It was a great day filled with enthusiasm, participation and sensational swimming. Mazal tov to the students who took part in the carnival and thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us to take part in the fun.

Finally, a huge thanks to Stuart Taylor for co-ordinating the carnival and to the Year 1 and 2 team for their hard work.

Innovation Leader

I am excited to announce that Carrie Thomas (formerly Grieve) has been appointed to the position of Innovation Leader K-6 starting from the beginning of Term 2. Carrie is a well-respected and much loved member of our team who has taught across a variety of Primary School year levels. Her previous experience includes being the ICT and Gifted & Talented Educator at an International school in China and she has led various coding and technology clubs at Emanuel.

Within this role, Carrie will be responsible for curriculum-based projects connecting technology and innovation to classroom learning. She will also lead a number of extra-curricular initiatives and external programs. Carrie will liaise with industry experts and other schools to ensure we remain at the forefront of learning in this area.

We are excited to welcome Carrie into this new position and look forward to many exciting initiatives and projects.

Welcome to Ms Cox

As a result of this appointment, Carrie will no longer be the teacher of 2 Tzfat from the beginning of next term. We are delighted to confirm the appointment of another outstanding educator into this role. Felicity Cox will join us from the start of next term. She is most recently from Wenona and prior to this has taught in various schools in Sydney, Canberra and London. We look forward to welcoming Felicity to the team.

Our Musical – Aladdin Jnr

We welcome Katie Kermond to the role of director for our musical, Aladdin Jnr. Katie has over 30 years of experience as a producer, director and choreographer and will combine these skills to create our wonderful end of year production. Just a reminder to our families that our musical is a compulsory part of the music program and requires students to be available for our performances on the following dates (out of regular school hours):

  • Sunday 14 November 2021 (afternoon show)
  • Monday 15 November 2021 (evening show)
  • Tuesday 16 November 2021 (evening show)


This week’s Sederim were joyful events that showcased the students’ learning over the past weeks. I would like to thank the children for their commitment to learning and for participating so enthusiastically. Thanks also to the Hebrew and Jewish Studies teams who have worked tirelessly to organise these events. Kol Hakavod!

A commonly heard phrase on Pesach is ‘m’avdoot l’cheroot’ – from slavery to freedom. Over the Sederim, we discuss the journey of our ancestors as we left the hardship of ancient Egypt and searched for freedom. Many of us also discuss more modern examples of slavery and hardship with an acknowledgement of our duty to support the oppressed around the world.

Events over the past year have truly given us a new appreciation of freedom. Compared to others around the world, we are lucky and I feel so grateful for the opportunities that we have. It has been wonderful to welcome parents on campus and to be able to include our special community in school life. We are blessed to enjoy the freedoms that we have and I remain mindful of those around the world who are not as lucky as we are. I wish you all Chag Pesach Sameach.

Term 2

I would like to wish all of our community a happy, safe holiday break. Term 2 begins on Monday 19 April 2021 and students are asked to return in winter uniform.

We look forward to welcoming them back!