Volume 30 Issue 9 26 Mar 2021 13 Nisan 5781

Business Boost

Michelle Favero – Manager of Marketing and Communications

Boost your business

Looking for a plumber, a lawyer, a photo booth or a vet? Business Boost is the answer. This online advertising directory includes details of business and services connected to, owned or run by Emanuel parents, grandparents and alumni. It’s the School’s answer to the Yellow Pages. 

Each week we’ll randomly choose to feature one of our Business Boost entries. If you’d like to be included in Business Boost, simply complete this form.

Benchmark Physiotherapy

Contact person: Vitali Kanevsky

Address: Shop 1, 7-13 Dover Rd, Rose Bay 2029

Email: officerb@bmphysio.com.au

Tel: 02 9371 1222

Description: Benchmark Physiotherapy offers you access to the most up-to-date and effective physiotherapy services, with dedicated and skilled university trained physiotherapists on staff, we can help in reducing pain and improving function so you can feel your best again sooner.

Special offer for the Emanuel School community: 18% off consultation fees