Volume 28 Issue 9 29 Mar 2019 22 Adar II 5779

Meir Advocate

Happiness Day

Hey everyone! Last week we celebrated International Happiness Day – a day invented to make us all focus on what we have in common instead of what divides and separates us. We focused on the fact that we all want to be happy in life and some ways we can accomplish that and make everyone happy. We gave people compliments. Happiness Day has allowed Emanuel students to celebrate their flaws and differences and realise that we are happier when we are together.

Friendship Circle

This week in House Assembly we had some presenters from Friendship Circle to discuss what Friendship Circle does and how Emanuel students can get involved in Friendship Circle.

Friendship Circle’s mission is to empower the next generation to shape a world in which people with special needs and their families experience acceptance, inclusion and friendship as contributing members of society.

Thank you to Issy Nahon from Friendship Circle for presenting and we hope that Emanuel students get involved in this great organisation.


Purim was a great day of celebration for all students and teachers – please see some photos of Meirian’s.


Inter-House Mixed Netball Competition

Last week the school started the inter-house netball competition with all houses bringing their all, we are excited for the competition to continue and in the end see who is victorious.

Gabriela Amoils – Year 12

Meet A Meirian

This week we have selected one of our senior Meirian’s – Gabriela (Gabi) Amoils (Year 12).

Below are three random questions we asked Gabi to answer:

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

The best piece of advice I have ever received would be from my Primary School teacher, who said these two wise things: “Life is too short to hold grudges. It doesn’t benefit anyone. If it’s not going to matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes being upset by it” and this, “Don’t cry over someone who wouldn’t shed a tear for you.” Very wise words I still remember to this day…

When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?

When I am having a bad day, I just shut out all the negativity and only surround myself by people who make me happy. I colour in this colouring book which always distracts me. I listen to cheerful music, and if need be, I tell my mom about the bad day I have had to let it all out.

What is your ultimate pet peeve?

My ultimate pet peeve would DEFINITELY be people who chew their food or gum loudly, and people who breathe loudly and sniff. I will gladly walk to the other side of the school to get someone a tissue if it will stop them sniffing. I also hate it when people bite their nails!

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

Love, your Meir Editors,

Charlotte and Tara