Volume 28 Issue 9 29 Mar 2019 22 Adar II 5779

HICES Debating

Suzanne Plume | Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator 7-12 | Debating and Public Speaking 7-12

The Year 9 HICES debating team had a huge problem with conflicting commitments last week.

They were scheduled to be at Duke of Edinburgh camp and, also, at Round 2 of the HICES competition. Forfeiting the round meant disqualification. Fortunately, Jesse Keyser was the only member of the team able to attend.

Maya Zyll, Eitan Meschel, Sol Biton and Dan Blecher volunteered to step into the breach.

A team was formed with Maya Zyll from Year 7, Dan Blecher and Sol Biton from Year 8 and Jesse Keyser at Third.

All three spoke clearly and had well thought out arguments. Opposed by a team of mostly Year 10 students from Moriah, they narrowly lost a well-argued debate.

Jesse received recognition as the second-best speaker for his masterly summing up which came too late in the debate to be fully considered.

All in all, these five people made a gallant effort and successfully kept the name of our school from being marred by a disqualification.  

Meanwhile, the Middles and Senior (Year 10) HICES debating teams scored well deserved victories.

The Middles triumphed over Moriah with 2 Best Speaker awards for Jesse Barel and Maayan Granot.

The Seniors out argued St Spyridon with our 3 speakers, Ethan Moliver, Chloe Miller and Lara Fosbery – all receiving Best Speaker points. The Opens team had a Bye. 

This leaves our Opens and Senior Year 10 teams undefeated in the competition so far.