Volume 28 Issue 9 29 Mar 2019 22 Adar II 5779

Jilkminggan High School Trip

David Whitcombe- Outreach Coordinator

Jilkminggan High School Trip – Places Still Available

As you can see, our friends at Jilkminggan are doing some amazing (deadly!) things this year. Please see the Instagram photos.

Our High School trip In Week 7, Term 3 (August 5 to August 9 2019) still has 10 places available. Many students have already been in Year 6 but perhaps they could experience it again as an older person and catch up with old friends. For those who have not been, perhaps this is the year to go (as next year might be full or might not happen at all…).

It is a 6 day trip where the students will experience Aboriginal culture (some differences to the Primary School trip) and meet and play with kids at Jilkminggan school. There will also be lots of swimming and other Northern Territory adventures. Please ask your children to share the emails I have sent (with the application form) and email me if you wish to sign up: (dwhitcombe@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au).