Volume 28 Issue 9 29 Mar 2019 22 Adar II 5779

Kol Szenes

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to another edition of Kol Szenes. I have some exciting news but I need your help. In order to make Kol Szenes more Szenesian friendly, I have started a new initiative to get more people involved in Kol Szenes so it is a more interactive place for all Szenesians. This could be featuring someone’s creative writing or artwork that they would like to share with the rest of Szenes or birthday shout-outs or acknowledging the efforts of the many excellent, hard-working Szenesians we have. I would also like to make it more collaborative in terms of the compilation of information. If there is something that relates to Year 8, I think it would be great if a Year 8 student could write a bit about it and submit it to Kol Szenes. This way we can see what the different year groups have been up to with first hand information.

The format would be:

  • An introduction and summary of the week by me
  • Years 7-12 articles
  • Feature of the Week (i.e. student works)
  • Announcements/Congratulations/Thank-yous
  • Birthdays
  • Quote of the week

Ideally, I would like 2 to 3 volunteer writers from each year group to alternate writing an article about what their year has done that week. If your year does not have anything to report, you could send a photo of someone’s accomplishment or a fact of the week – really anything, but it still has to be something. I think it will be a great way to get more Szenesian’s involved. Also, if you have any fun ideas or would like to help out with Kol Szenes, let me know and I will see if I can facilitate it!

Miriam Itzkowitz – Year 11

Kol Szenes Editor

Friendship Circle

On Wednesday, in a joined House Assembly between Szenes and Meir, we heard a speaker from Sydney Friendship Circle, an organisation facilitating for the needs of disabled children in the Jewish community. They rely on volunteers from within the Jewish community, many being high schoolers. As someone who has actually participated in this initiative, I found it extremely rewarding to be able to give back to the community and work with children who may require additional support. If you are interested in volunteering, please apply here: www.sydneyfc.org.au/volunteerapplication

Participating in the program 

For many of us, socialising is an easy task but for some of us this can be very difficult. Through Friendship circle, we were able to interact with kids that have disabilities and help them socialise by connecting with them and being their friend. This benefited both the individual and ourselves. We learnt to really appreciate our independence and our friendships.

This amazing organisation provided us with an opportunity to get involved in both the Jewish and broader community. It was honestly just a lovely way to spend an afternoon amongst a busy week. We were able to create a connection with our new friends. It may sounds cliche but to see our friends’ faces light up as we walked through the door, really made us feel like we were making a difference.

We highly recommend involvement in the Friendship Circle program to anyone who has a spare hour in their week, not only is the child appreciative, but so are their families and you will be too!

Report by Erin Forman and Asha Friedman (Year 11)

Year 7 Peer Support update

It has been very rewarding and great fun being a Peer Support leader. We have really been able to develop strong connections with the Year 7s, and assist with guiding them through their transition into High School. We began the Peer Support program with Szenes on Orientation Day, the day before the rest of High School returned. This was the first time we met the groups and ran a session with them. We immediately knew they would be great kids.

We then spent the next three weeks with peer support sessions every Thursday, spending the time getting to know the kids and getting excited for camp in Week 4. On camp Somerset, we engaged in a range of enjoyable activities including base seven, the wombat hole, high ropes, milk crate stacking and canoeing. We developed teamwork, resilience and a strong support network between the Peer Support leaders and Year 7 Szenes.

Last week, as part of Purim celebrations, our session focused on the Purim story and the characters perspectives. Encouraged by the enthusiastic atmosphere, Szensians volunteered to participate in the drama filled story of Purim.

We look forward to spending the remainder of the semester engaging in activities with Year 7 Szenes!

Report by Sasha Baskin, Tali Blackman, Jono Sebban and Issy Riechel (Year 11)


  • Congratulations to Szenes for winning the first round of the Inter-House Netball competition against Rashi! On Wednesday we played against Meir and we shall reveal the winner in next week’s Kol Szenes!
  • Thank you to Asha Friedman and Erin Forman in Year 11, who recounted their experiences volunteering at Sydney Friendship Circle at House Assembly on Wednesday

Happy Birthday to our March Szenesians!   

  • Tashi Gering, Year 12
  • Ilan Meshel, Year 9
  • Mischa Spielman, Year 8
  • Erin Nabarro, Year 12
  • Romi Lapidge, Year 10
  • Giulia Goldman, Year 7
  • Jesse Keyser, Year 9
  • Jake Newfield, Year 8
  • Mark Kang, Year 9


Finally, a little challenge for all those artistic Szenesians out there: could you please design a new Kol Szenes logo? We will all vote and all the designs will be featured in Kol Szenes and the winner’s design will be the new header to Kol Szenes every week. To submit your designs, please e-mail them to me: itzkowitz.miriam@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

Quote of the Week

There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Victor Hugo


Shabbat Shalom and have a fantastic weekend!