Volume 28 Issue 9 29 Mar 2019 22 Adar II 5779

Earth Hour

Noa Rosenzveig – Year 5

Earth Hour is on Saturday 30 March between 8:30pm and 9:30pm. You celebrate earth hour by turning off all electricity in your home for one hour. At school, we turned off all electricity during Period 8 today, Friday 30 March.

We are celebrating Earth Hour to help save our world. In case you don’t know, most power still comes from coal, which gives off deadly greenhouse gasses. You may think that turning off electricity for an hour won’t change much, but all actions are helping the resistance to climate change. One hour of “olden days entertainment” can do a lot for your world. Scientists say that the earth is only liveable for the next one hundred and twenty years (you should trust the scientists, they are unfortunately right). Are you going to be the person that doesn’t do Earth Hour and helps the population lose their home? Or are you going to be the person that does Earth Hour every night, helping the kids with their resistance and slowly saving the Earth?

As the Lorax says, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better. It’s not.” Be the person that cares a whole awful lot, and something’s going to get better. It is.

By Noa Rosenzveig – Green Team