Volume 24 Issue 33 28 Oct 2016 26 Tishri 5777

From the Parents and Friends


Susie Rosen and Sharon Schulz – P&F Presidents

P&F news


With a group of almost 200 our Aladdin tickets have finally arrived and the process of ticket allocation and distribution is underway. Everyone who booked will be contacted via email. We anticipate that tickets will be distributed by 4 November.
If you have any queries email emanuel.aladdin@gmail.com

Camping Trip

To all those families camping at Cattai this weekend, we know that you will have an amazing time and look forward to sharing your adventures in this column next week. To Lindi Bloch, an enormous thank you for organising this very popular weekend in the P&F calendar.

It’s soon time to say goodbye …..

We joined the P&F almost five years ago, together as friends having been been class parents together, volunteers together, our kids sharing the same daycare, Pre-school, Primary School and High School. It was just a natural transition for us to volunteer to head up the P&F together.

It’s been a wonderful journey of fun, laughter, early mornings, late nights but most importantly creating lifelong friendships through meeting some truly wonderful people, both within the Emanuel community and those who support our community. 

The experience has been one we will both treasure for years to come, providing us a sense of fulfilment that is hard to put into words.  The priceless look on our children’s faces as they see us wandering the grounds of the School and just being part of their School and their School experience is something we will also remember.

It’s now time though for us to pass the baton over to a someone new or perhaps two friends, like us who would like to enjoy the same experience and joy we have.

If you are keen to put your name forward, please contact us at emanuelp&f@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

Remember it’s so much fun sharing the role with a friend and making your own lifelong memories.

Susie and Sharon