Volume 24 Issue 33 28 Oct 2016 26 Tishri 5777

High School Merit Awards


Margaret Lowe – Deputy Principal

Term 3 Merit Awards

Each term our High School students can be nominated for a number of Merit Awards. Improvement and term attendance awards are handed out at House assemblies. Excellence level awards are handed out at the High School Assembly. Some of our students received all four of the excellence level awards for last term – Excellence in Classroom Behaviour, Excellence in Uniform Presentation, Participation in the Life of the School, and Community Conscience. Those students deserve special congratulations for their outstanding efforts.

Year 7

Jade Berson

Tara Linker

Jessica Lowy

Ari Merten

Jacob Rose

Jessica Turtledove


Year 9

Rachel Turtledove

Chelsea Rutstein

Ashlee Orleow

Joshua New

Erin Nabarro

Matthew Joffe

Jake Hyman

Maddalena Grigoletti-Labi

Isabella Flax

Year 10

Michelle Wolstein

Gabriel Wolf

Gabriel Sebban

Danielle Kramer

Aron Jaffe

Dheanna Eller

Year 11

Sophie Lew