Volume 28 Issue 37 22 Nov 2019 24 Heshvan 5780

Rashi Times

Dear Rashi,

As exams hit the students last week and stress levels increased, Rashi’s House activity became particularly useful to the majority. The students and some teachers gathered together to make stress balls; a famous technique used every year to conquer the week of exams. Intercutting between bottles, flour and balloons, most were able to successfully produce their own stress balls as seen in the photos provided. Despite the inevitable clean-up required at the end, everyone seemed to have lots of enjoyment from making them and further fulfilment from squeezing them which was great to see.

This is what a student had to say:

“I had an exam this morning, but with the flour going everywhere and everyone around me laughing, it took all the stress away – ironic as we were making stress balls”.

On another note, many of the Year 10s are soon to be tourists in the Holy Land of Israel as they head on the highly anticipated Chavayah trip in the days to come. As they hit the streets of Israel indulging in the local falafel, seeing some of the holiest sights in the world and much more, the excitement is very apparent. This special trip has taken an immense amount of planning and commitment from some of the staff including; Ms Rosenfield, Mr Bloom and Mr Sammowitz. A massive thank you on behalf of Year 10 for their incredible efforts regarding this. Finally, I wish all who attend, a safe and pleasurable experience and hope that all the memories created are kept and treasured for years to come.

Thanks Rashi and have a great weekend,

Jonathan Schach