Volume 28 Issue 37 22 Nov 2019 24 Heshvan 5780

Connecting our Community – Gesher

Sonia Newell – Development Officer – Alumni & Community Relations

Kristallnacht Commemoration 2019

Eddie Jaku OAM and Rita Newell

Last Thursday evening, members of our wider community gathered at The Sydney Jewish Museum to commemorate Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. On the nights of 9 and 10 November 1938, German Nazis stormed the homes and businesses of Jewish families throughout Germany, destroying property and taking away to death camps, many of the Jewish men. Guest speaker at this event was Dr Stephen D Smith, Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation who holds the UNESCO Chair on Genocide Education. He founded the UK Holocaust Centre in Nottinghamshire, England and co-founded the Aegis Trust (www.aegistrust.org) for the prevention of crimes against humanity and genocide. He has also served as a producer on several film and media projects, including a Virtual Reality recording and production of Holocaust Survivor testimony.

Aliza Waxman and Remington Owen

The audience included many distinguished guests from both within and outside the Jewish Community as well as many holocaust survivors, some from our own School community including: 99 year old great grandparent Eddie Jaku OAM and my mother, 93 year old past grandparent Rita Newell.

Alumna Aliza Waxman (Class of 2012) on vocals and Emanuel music staff member Remington Owen on keyboard performed on the night, singing Shir Lamaalot – Pslam 121, a song of ascents as well as the anthems. 



Mally Ellis

Mazal Tov to past parent Mally Ellis, mother of Aaron Ellis-Bloor, Class of 2018

Mally is this year’s distinguished recipient of Zimbabwe Achievers Australia’s Friend of Zimbabwe Award. ZAA Australia’s Friend of Zimbabwe Award is conferred on an individual (regardless of their heritage) whose work, counsel or conduct is of service and benefit to Zimbabweans in Australia and beyond. Mally is being recognised for her work with the Knit for Life organisation which has fostered entrepreneurship and sustainable income generating opportunities for Chatsworth ladies in Masvingo Zimbabwe through capacity building and access to markets in Australia and the rest of the world. 

Mally was born in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe and immigrated to Australia in 1994. She is Founder and CEO of Knit for Life, an Australian registered charity since 2017, that empowers a rural community of women and their families in the greater Chatsworth area of Masvingo province through entrepreneurial and sustainable income generating opportunities in hand knitting baby and children’s products in natural cotton for the Australian and  global markets. Over and above making a decent income for living, the Chatsworth ladies are managing to put their children through high school and tertiary education, thereby lifting them out of poverty and empowering them with educational skills that will make them valued in Zimbabwe and abroad.

Through strengthening partnership and collaboration with Aussie Books for Zim and Solar Buddy since 2018 (also an Australian registered not for profit organisation) Knit for Life has expanded its impact to the wider Chatsworth community through building a new purpose built library from the-ground-up, thanks to Aussie Books for Zim. The organisations will also be delivering 1000 solar lights to every student across three schools in the community in November 2019, together with the official opening of the library. Mally, Aussie Books for Zim and company: your generosity knows no bounds and at ZAA Australia, we appreciate and applaud your efforts! www.knitforlife.com.au

Seeking your help

As the horrendous bushfires continue to ravage our beautiful countryside and towns, we remind you that NSW Jewish Board of Deputies (NSWJBD) has launched an appeal for victims of these catastrophic fires in NSW. See here for more details: www.facebook.com/NSWJBD/posts/1704639299668832

Funds raised will be distributed on advice from the NSW Premier’s Office.  The campaign will conclude on Friday 6 December 2019 at 12.00 pm. Some of us have a personal connection with families who have lost everything – our prayers and thoughts are with those who have been affected by these bushfires as well as the amazing firefighters, both volunteers and professional for their efforts to extinguish these fires.


Call-out for volunteers for Friendship Circle Summer Camp

Friendship Circle is still recruiting volunteers for the summer holiday Friendship Circle Day camps.  Please see details on the poster:



If you have photos and/or news to share, please send to: snewell@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au