Volume 28 Issue 37 22 Nov 2019 24 Heshvan 5780

JeSTAR Theatre Showcase and Awards Presentation

Anna Maylis – Hebrew Drama Teacher

It has been eight years since I founded the JeSTAR Theatre Academy. The main goal of the academy was to give all children an opportunity to be a part of a creative theatre process and experience the freedom of self-expression. The Theatre gained its popularity amongst the Primary School children and attracted students who were interested in acting, directing, storytelling, light and sound tech, singing, dancing, gymnastics, song writing, magic tricks and so on.

JeSTARs write and stage their own plays and shows. They create their characters and bring them to life. They live through the stories that they create themselves, using their limitless imagination, helped by the magic of JeSTAR Theatre.

Last week, the JeSTAR Ensemble had the opportunity to present their play, “Crazy Mixed up Fairy Tale”, in Years K-2 and Years 3-6 assemblies. The audience laughed at the funny moments and applauded the hilarious twists and turns that the story took.

Now, at the end of this term, JeSTAR Theatre invites all friends to:

JeSTAR Showcase 2019

Guests will watch plays presented by all JeSTARs and congratulate them on the completion of a successful year, as they receive their special trophies and prizes.

When: Thursday 5 December 2019, 4:30 pm

Where: Emanuel School Millie Phillips Theatre

Enrolments for 2020 are now open.

For all enquiries, please contact Anna Maylis: jestartheatre@gmail.com