Volume 28 Issue 37 22 Nov 2019 24 Heshvan 5780

From the Principal

Andrew Watt

By the time you read this, I will be on my way to Israel. I plan to surprise our Year 10 Chavayah group when I meet them at the Jerusalem Shuk. Hopefully they will view this as a pleasant surprise! It would be appreciated if you could allow me the element of surprise, by not letting your child know! I am looking forward to connecting with and learning about our Chavayah Program and will join our staff and students for a week of activities.

The Kornmehl Car Park – a Work of Art 

Our Kornmehl car park has a new lease of life, largely due to the efforts of Gail Stein, our Parent Club co-ordinator and our volunteer parents. New features of our beautiful and child friendly car park include:

  • A gumboot garden, where gumboots were mounted and filled with succulents;
  • A number of pre-loved items and objects that have been sanded, painted and installed
  • Signposts, a post box and a flagpole 
  • Rocks that were painted by the children and placed around the entrance

We are very grateful to all involved for transforming this outdoor space.

Inter-House Drama

Talia Blackman (High School Madricha) organised an Inter-House Drama event this week. It was extremely well run and the acts were of a very good standard. There was at least one act from a student in each year group. A number of students, parents and teachers supported the event with their attendance and applause!

Waste Audit

Our Sustainability team initiated a Waste Audit with the help of Randwick Council. Students and staff from Pre-school to Year 12 were involved. The amount of waste collected in one day is considerable! 

Hard Plastics – 4.36 kg

Organic Food – 57.62 kg

Paper and Cardboard – 13.5 kg

Paper Towels – 9.22 kg

Recycling – 4.96 kg

General waste – 60.47 kg

Complete total waste: 150.13 kg

Our students will be learning more about how we can all contribute to our sustainability in the coming weeks.

Mazal Tov

Luca Calderon Havas, Year 9, won the AICES 15 Years Tennis Championship for the second year in a row.

Danielle Rutstein, Year 12 – 2019, has been selected to play in the U17s NPL 1 League for Apia Leichhardt Tigers Football Club this coming season. She has also taken up a coaching role at the Girls Football Development Australia helping others achieve their goals.

Year 9 students, Jonah Trope and Zac Sidley’s amazing cricket results in the Wilbur Cricket match, which led their team to success against Moriah College.