Volume 24 – Issue 39 09 Dec 2016 9 Kislev 5777

Primary Chess

Chess success


Left to right: Jesse Gothelf, Daniel Melamed, Jesse Herdan and Zac Sidley

Our Emanuel Primary A Chess Team travelled to Perth on Friday 2 December to represent NSW in the National Schools’ Competition over the weekend.

The team played very well against the other states and came fourth in the competition.

The players, Daniel Melamed, Jesse Herdan, Zac Sidley and Jesse Gothelf are to be congratulated on their dedication to chess this year. They started the season in Week 3 of Term 1 and attended practice and extra training sessions, as well as external competitions, for the duration of the year.

This is first time that Emanuel School has performed at such an high level. They had a gruelling journey, which consisted of 10 rounds in Term 2, followed by knock-out rounds throughout Term 3 and 4 to determine the NSW champions.

Mazal tov to the boys – we are so very proud of you. A huge thank you to Michael Todd whose inspirational coaching and passion for the game created a perfect recipe for this success.

Thank you to the parents for their continued support throughout the nail-biting season, as well as the state competition. Thank you, also, to Natanya Milner for become an impassioned chess follower and for sending us all to Perth.

Colleen Elkins, Primary Teacher