Volume 24 – Issue 39 09 Dec 2016 9 Kislev 5777

Annual Gymnastics Display

Fairfax Sharon

Sharon Fairfax – Gymnastics Co-ordinator

A wonderful morning filled with nachas

Our annual Gymnastics display, presentation and breakfast was a fun-filled morning with smiling and happy gymnasts. It is a wonderful way to finish off the year in which our children and parents committed themselves to four terms of early starts.

We thank everyone involved for their dedication and enthusiasm throughout the year.

The benefits of gymnastics in key developmental areas such as self confidence, co-ordination, flexibility, social skills, discipline, fitness and determination help children to become better students and young adults.

Major Mens Artistic Gymnastics and Womens Artistic Gymnastics awards for 2016 went to Julian Baruch, Josh Gordon, Leah Grunseit and Mirelle Lazerson.

Our Rising Stars 2016 awards went to Zara Gorelik and Devan Bloch.

All our gymnasts contribute enormously to the program’s success.

Mazal tov to the students and their parents.