Volume 28 Issue 29 13 Sep 2019 13 Elul 5779

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

We are looking forward to our Grandparents and Friends Rosh HaShanah Celebration on Monday. We have been busy preparing for the day, learning special songs and prayers and hearing the sound of the shofar every morning.

Some of our Year 2 students have been busy rehearsing their Rosh HaShanah themed Hebrew play, HaZachal HaRa-ev (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) they will perform on the day.

Grandparents and Friends Day Schedule

8.55 am: Students will be singing on the basketball steps. They can be collected by their grandparents/friends and sit together in the MPH

9.15 am: Ceremony begins in Lehrer Family Building, MPH

10.15 am: Morning Tea (and a play for the students)

10.15 am: Rosh HaShanah workshops/activities begin in the following locations:

Year K: Year 1 Rooms (Kleinlehrer Family LINC Building)

Year 1: Kindy Rooms

Year 2: Year 2 Rooms (LINC Building)

Year 3: Angels Leadership and Learning Centre – LLC (LINC Building)

Year 4: Millie Philips Theatre (LINC Building)

Year 5: Innovation Centre

Year 6: Year 6 Rooms (Adler Building)

We are excited to welcome our special guests to share, learn and celebrate Rosh HaShanah with you.

Shabbat Shalom