Volume 28 Issue 29 13 Sep 2019 13 Elul 5779

Envision – Helping Hands Project

Terry Aizen – Director Kornmehl

The Pre-school and Emanuel School are collecting plastic lids of all shapes, sizes and colours. We have joined with a company called Envision to become a collection point for this project. Envision is a small community focussed organisation, who are collecting bottle caps/plastic lids from schools which are then used to make prosthetic limbs for disadvantaged people and communities throughout India and other third world countries.

We invite the Emanuel School and Pre-school community to become a part of this initiative and to collect their WASHED plastic lids and place them in the collection bins provided near the Innovation Centre, Head of Primary’s  office and outside the canteen.

SRC students will be monitoring the bins and will bring the lids down to the Pre-school for distribution to Envision, once we have enough.

Please talk to your children about this amazing project and how they can make a difference in a young person’s life by doing one small action such as collecting and recycling their bottle tops.

Involve your child in the process of washing the lids and bringing them in, so they can experience the feeling of Tikun Olam. Let’s turn waste into opportunity!

Please take a few minutes to watch the videos below. We look forward to the Emanuel School Community supporting us with this amazing project.

