Volume 28 Issue 29 13 Sep 2019 13 Elul 5779

Kol Szenes


Yesterday was RUOK Day and today at Shabbat we tried to create an inclusive environment by touching on the importance of caring and ensuring everyone’s well-being. Believe it or not, our mental health is equally as important as our physical health, and if we are mentally unhealthy, this can be detrimental for our physical health; they work together. We need to ensure that people feel safe in school. Some methods you could use to ensure that your peers feel safe include:

  • Being inclusive
    • If you see someone sitting by themselves, ask if you can sit with them and join them. This can really boost someone’s day and self-esteem!
  • Checking in
    • It’s really important to make sure people are OK, and if you suspect that something is wrong, ask them. While it can be awkward, it is a really good way to ensure someone’s well-being.
  • Tell someone
    • If confronting the person individually is too uncomfortable, speaking to someone you trust is a really good, safe idea. This could include your close friends or their close friends, a teacher, a parent or older students at school. This could really help a person who needs support.

What to do if someone confides in you or it is clear that they are unwell:

  • Speak to them about it
    • While this may seem daunting, it is a really good way to show support and show the person that they have someone there to confide in if necessary.
  • Tell someone
    • Much like telling someone if you feel uncomfortable confronting the person, if someone confides in you, or it is evident that they are unwell, telling a group of friends or a trusted adult could be a really good way in giving someone the support they need – if you are unable to do so on your own.

If we create a safe space for people at school, this could really help in establishing an environment of healthy well-being. By simply noticing that something is wrong and asking if you can help or if they are ok, you are doing a world of wonder by making that person feel important and worthy.

Here is a link to a very interesting documentary on the person who founded RUOK Day, Gavin Larkin: www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3R1uj5Yb18. His story is absolutely fascinating and will put a lot in perspective about the importance of checking in and ensuring each other’s well-being.

Mazal tov to:

  • Year 12 Szenes students who achieved Sports Colours Awards recipients: Grey – Blake Nixon and Justin Sarif.  Maroon – Jared Kleviansky
  • Szenes CDSSA Athletics Representatives – Maximilian Kidman, Romi Lapidge, Alena Lewy, Mariah Lewy and Aiden Poswell


House Drama

If you are a talented actor and would like to earn some House points, sign up for House Drama! You can perform a monologue, a duologue or a group performance! If you have any questions, contact your House Madricha, Tali Blackman!

Birthday wishes

Happy Birthday to these Szenesians who celebrated their birthdays last week:

  • Asha Friedman (Year 11)
  • Cleo Wolf (Year 12)
  • Zoe Miller (Year 12)

Quote of the Week

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it.”

Charles R. Swindoll


Shabbat Shalom and have a fantastic weekend.

Szenes House