Volume 28 Issue 29 13 Sep 2019 13 Elul 5779

From the Primary School

Meghan Carroll – Deputy Head of Primary

The past week has been filled with many events. Thank you to all students, staff and parents who participated in, attended and/or supported each initiative. Here is just a taste of what has taken place over the past few days as well as a couple of reminders for upcoming events.

Parent Teacher Night

Thank you for joining us for Parent Teacher Night on 9 September 2019 and 11 September 2019. We greatly appreciate you making an appointment to speak with us about your child’s progress so far. Thank you to Katie Brody, our K-6 Director of Studies, for organising these meaningful sessions for our learning community.

Innovation Festival

We welcomed special guests, parents and community members to join us for the K-6 Innovation Festival on Wednesday. This inspiring event celebrated student learning and featured a performance by Dramatic Action, an exciting panel of award-winning STEM professionals and opportunities for all Years K-6 students as well as parents to explore exhibits and a variety of activities focused on designing and creating. A big thank you to Sophie Poisel, our K-6 Innovation Leader, and her team of enthusiastic and passionate teachers for planning and organising this amazing event and for continuing to spark curiosity in this important area of education for our students.

Year 6 and Project Heritage

Year 6s Project Heritage was a brilliant showcase of student learning at its best. After interviewing their Living Historians, the children prepared biographies, poems and a range of activities to form the basis of their presentations and special tributes to the historians. They learnt so much about the world and Jewish history, values and traditions. Thank you to all of the Year 6 students, class teachers and mentors, Music, Art and Jewish Studies teachers for making this event a memorable one.


RUOK Day has become a tradition at Emanuel School. It stands as a reminder for us all to check in with each other by listening, encouraging action and simply asking R U OK? Thank you to those staff members involved in organising awareness around this day.

Northern Territory Trip

This weekend we wish our second Northern Territory trip for 2019 safe travels as they embark on a week of learning, connection-building and exploration. We look forward to welcoming them back in Week 9 and hearing all about their experiences.

Deborah Blackman Parent Information Session – NEW DATE

On Wednesday 27 November 2019 (Term 4, Week 7) we welcome Deborah Blackman presenting on the topic ‘Talking To Children About Difficult Topics’. We highly recommend this session to parents who have not attended this talk in previous years.

In the parent presentation, Deborah will explore how to talk to your children about feelings, secrets, good touch and bad touch, and teach them some useful skills for child protection. We think that it is essential that home and school provide the same message about this very important topic. The presentation is from 8:30 am – 9:15 am in the Millie Phillips Theatre.

Please RSVP by clicking here no later than Friday 22 November 2019. If you have any questions please contact Meghan Carroll (mcarroll@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au).