Volume 27 Issue 16 08 Jun 2018 25 Sivan 5778

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter | Head of Jewish Studies Primary

This week students have been replacing our old מזוזות/mezuzot around the Alder Building with new, unique handmade מזוזות/mezuzot created by Year 5 students and their families as part of our Pesach Family workshops. Involving all classes in affixing the מזוזה/mezuzah to their rooms and reciting the ברכה/blessing, gave our students an opportunity to learn about the meaning and importance of this ritual and Jewish symbol, whilst also having a hands-on experience in the practicalities of putting up a מזוזה/mezuzah.                         

In Year 5 we have been focusing on the שמע/Shema prayer during our morning תפילה/prayer, as this is the prayer that can be found inside the מזוזה/mezuzah. We spent time translating the Hebrew words of the שמע/Shema, exploring its meaning and significance as well as its connection to 3 Jewish rituals and מצות/mitzvot:

  • מזוזה/mezuzah – literally ‘doorpost’, the decorative case that contains the  שמע/Shema prayer, placed on the doorposts and gates to signify a Jewish home. 
  •  תפילין/tefillin– the phylacteries, 2 black leather boxes containing sections of Torah that are attached to the arm and forehead during morning תפילות/prayers
  • ציצית/tzitzit – the ritual fringes on the tallit that serve as a visual reminder of the מצוות  /commandments