Volume 27 Issue 16 08 Jun 2018 25 Sivan 5778

Timor Leste visit

Christian Bell – HSIE Teacher

Three weeks ago, 13 Year 9 students, along with myself and Ms Philp, embarked on the annual trip to visit Timor Leste.  We arrived in Dili and after 2 days there, we took the 7 hour car ride to a small village in the mountains called Gildapil. In Gildapil we had the privilege of spending time with children in the community, teaching English and making strong connections with them. We learnt about their culture and traditions. We attended church, went on an amazing mountain hike and even watched the national election process take place. The children in Gildapil were so eager to learn English and we taught them many things such as how to say their names, colours, numbers, the alphabet and basic sentences.

Ethan Moliver’s reflection on the trip:

The main highlight of the trip for me was interacting with the kids – playing grass twirling games, arm wrestling with 2 people at once, attempting to do handstands, playing soccer and catch. I also enjoyed trying to race them, although they were much faster than me!

I learned the value of community and spending time with those around you, as well as the value of education. I learned how different other people’s lives can be, but also realised that just because people have less doesn’t always mean they are having worse lives or are less happy.  The people in Gildapil live in poverty, yet everyone is so happy and full of energy. Before the trip, I didn’t think I could make a difference, but after this trip I realise that you can actually make a difference in people’s lives through the power of education and friendship.

It was an experience that I both learned a lot from it but also just enjoyed the good times in the moment. I would highly recommend it to anyone – it’s a wonderful experience, and this will probably be your only chance to do it. I know this sounds like just another cliché saying: “I went on this trip, it changed my life,” but you won’t realise how true it is until you go on one yourself.

Charlotte Lyons – Year 9

Charlotte Lyons’ reflection on the trip:

Not only did we have the incredible opportunity to teach these children, but they taught us as well. We rolled up a pair of socks into a ball and with the children we threw these dirty, ripped socks around for almost 2 hours and the kids were having the best time! This was one of the times that we realised that we do not need everything that we think we do, and that we can enjoy life through the little things. It made us understand that we can make connections that are beyond language and speaking.

Other students must consider going on this trip because being a part of this has been incredibly rewarding and enjoyable. Travelling and escaping our own little bubble of life can be hard, but with this East Timor trip I have been able to do that. I was able to take a complete break from technology for 10 days and it really showed me how to appreciate what is around me. I could also interact more personally and make even stronger connections with my peers.

If you are interested in the 2019 Timor Leste trip, then please email Mr Whitcombe at dwhitcombe@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au