Volume 27 Issue 16 08 Jun 2018 25 Sivan 5778

Rabin Bugle

The Athletics Carnival was held yesterday, and we are all exhausted after a day of races, Shot Put and High Jump. This carnival was a true testament to the incredible enthusiasm Rabin students have when it comes to supporting our House. Everyone, regardless of age group participated to their best ability, racking up valuable points at an astonishing rate! It was great to see the mighty Rabin tribe in traditional black and blue House colours, cheering on each other. We eagerly await Mr Francis’ announcement of the final results next week. It looks to be a close challenge this year. Let’s hope we defended ‘our’ trophy and captured an unprecedented 4th straight win!

House Assembly

All Houses combined this week for a fun challenge of Hungry Hippo and a whole school game of Who’s There. Well done to everyone participating and to the House Captains for organising the Inter-House event so well.

Changes to routines

We are all looking forward to the launch of Meir House on Wednesday. It will be a new chapter in our school’s history and students and staff are excited over the event. The new House arrangements will also bring about some practical changes. Rabin and Rashi House Assemblies will from Week 8 onwards be held on Thursday mornings during Period 0 and it will be tutor sessions on Wednesday mornings in Period 0.

House, Madrichim and SRC nominations

SRC and House/Madrichim elections are just around the corner and we encourage everyone to give it a go! Taking on these roles gives you a chance to develop your leadership skills and make positive changes for our school.

  • Nominations for Madrichim and House positions are due on Tuesday 12 June to Ms Lowe. Remember to copy in Mr Rembson.
  • Nominations for the Student Representative Council are also due on Tuesday 12 June, please use the weblink emailed sent from Mrs Ephron.

That’s the Bugle for this week. We hope everyone has a great weekend and again. Well done to everyone for their enthusiastic participation at the Athletics Carnival!

Shabbat Shalom