Volume 27 Issue 16 08 Jun 2018 25 Sivan 5778

Year 10 Visual Arts

Ariel Berger

Year 10 Visual Arts Excursion

Recently, the Year 10 Visual Arts class went on an excursion to the Biennale at the Museum of Contemporary Art as well as a number of works exhibited on Cockatoo Island. The combination of these 2 exhibition places allowed different types of artworks to be viewed as well as the meaning behind the variety of works to be discovered. After being dropped off at Circular Quay and a quick recess break, Year 10 Visual Arts students entered the MCA to view a variety of works that were part of the Biennale. Whether it was sculptures, painting, drawing or photographs, many of the works commented on our world today and different issues that exist.

After catching the ferry from Circular Quay to Cockatoo island we were given a guided tour by a fantastic guide who not only explained the meaning of the artworks but also how they related to venues or the places where many of the works were made around the world. A popular work within the class was one that commented on the use of the atomic bomb. This was done by a giant eye being created and suspended in the air almost as if it was a representation of what God could be, with explosions going off in the eye’s reflection. After a lunch break, we headed back to school. Overall, the trip was engaging and interesting to learn about and was more than just viewing art, rather, we were able to study and get an insight into the many artworks that were displayed from all over the world.

Ariel Berger