Volume 27 Issue 12 11 May 2018 26 Iyyar 5778


Terry Aizen – Director Kornmehl

Lag B’Omer

In order to experience the festival of Lag B’Omer, the children participated in a real bonfire experience.  

We found a nice shaded area in the carpark and all 3 groups made themselves comfortable and enjoyed some singing.

There was so much excitement and this was reflected on the children’s faces. We enjoyed eating delicious potatoes with butter and salt and some sticky slightly toasted marshmallows

Hannah – I liked the marshmallows because they were sticky, and we could lick them and pretend we could have more.

Alessia – I liked seeing the fire and the marshmallows. 

Bowie – The Jewish people went to the forest.

Josh – You will get burnt if you go too close.

Aviv – We had marshmallows and potatoes. On Lag B’Omer we remember the Jewish people pretending to go hunting for cows.

Isaa – They were pretending because they wanted to be safe from the people who were bad to them.

Aviv – The Jewish people wanted to pray to Hashem. But they were not allowed to because the Romans didn’t want them to pray to Hashem.

Leah – The Jewish people were pretending to go hunting but they wanted to read the Torah.


On Friday last week we had 2 very special visitors for Shabbat. Jim and Jeanie Kornmehl joined us to celebrate Shabbat. We sang and danced together, and the children enjoyed having special visitors. Shabbat is always a good time to connect with people who have helped to shape and influence our beautiful Pre-school.

Bush School

On Tuesday and Thursday respectively, the Starfish and Dolphins enjoyed their first visit to Bush School. The children were very excited and coped very well with the walk down to Centennial Park and into our Bush School classroom. They spent time familiarising themselves with the space, its rules and wonderful opportunities to engage with nature and all that it has to offer. The children enjoyed the opportunity to play freely, without interruptions in a natural setting. It was lovely to watch their appreciation and respect for the land and we witnessed so much learning and new social interactions occurring. The Starfish were also very lucky to get up very close with 2 kookaburras who welcomed us into our Bush School classroom. The children walked to see the ducks, swans and geese and along the way also got to see some rainbow lorikeets. Between the flora and fauna we see at Bush School it truly is a feast for the senses!

Levi: I love nature

Some children were curious and began digging under the leaves into the soil, asking if they might find some creatures. 

Levi: Dig and dig, you will find worms, I know because the worms that live in the dirt are called earthworms.

Alicia: I did not know that. How does the dirt stick to their body?

Yonatan: This worm is slimy.

Levi: I think worms are a little scary.

Tom: This worm wants his Mama. This is a whole pile of worms.

Leo: We found a couple of worms and little black spiders. Maybe there is book to show us what spider it is.

Nadav: I will make a home for the ants and other creatures.

Yonatan: I think this one is a centipede, it has got lots of legs. We have 2 legs and worms just crawl around with no legs.

Year K Showcase

On Wednesday, Kornmehl parents were lucky enough to be able to join the Year K teachers, Head of Primary Natanya Milner and Deputy Head of Primary, Meghan Caroll, on a tour of the Year K classrooms and to hear all about the wonderful programs and facilities on offer for children starting out at Emanuel School. The talk was engaging, and parents enjoyed hearing first-hand what to expect, as well as having the opportunity to see the facilities available to Year K children and beyond.

Buddy reading

We had our first Buddy Reading session on Wednesday with the Year 2 children. This is always a special time that we all look forward to, when the children, especially siblings and previous Kornmehl students, come and read to us. This is a lovely program encouraging both a love of literature and a strong sense of belonging within the school community.

Mother’s Day

The Pre-school has been a hive of activity the past 2 weeks, as the children secretly make special presents for their Mums for Mother’s Day. All 3 groups have been exploring the notion of why their Mums are special to them and what it was like when they were in their Mum’s tummy.

We have been very busy drawing our mums, making cards and a present to give them for Mother’s Day.

Ariella W: I want to make it for my mummy because she is a good girl. She will say “I love it”.

Katya: We made it for Mother’s Day. My mum will like it because it is a present. She will say “Thank you”.

Many thanks also to Deborah Laurence, Anita Weinberger and Wendy Botsman for helping to bake delicious muffins, crunchie biscuits and quiches on Friday, for our celebration on Monday morning.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Leah Merritt (5), Jasper McGee (4) and Mika Kachtan (3). We hope you all have a wonderful celebration.