Volume 27 Issue 12 11 May 2018 26 Iyyar 5778

Year 7 Torah Service

Lotus Van Der Starre

At the end of last term, I had my Bat Mitzvah celebrations. I didn’t have a service at a synagogue, so Ms Levin-Kahn arranged a special Year 7 Torah service at school on Monday morning especially for me. The music rooms had been turned into a cosy shul – with a Shulchan for the Torah to rest on and rows of seats curved around the Torah table, a siddur on each chair.

I was called up to the Torah for an Aliyah and I read my Dvar Torah. Reverend Zwarenstein gave me a special blessing and wishes for my Bat Mitzvah. Tali Yedid was called to up to undress the Torah then I was called up to say the Torah blessings.

Two other Year 7 girls also had the Aliyah honour. After Reverend Zwarenstein raised the Torah, my brother, Orlando and sister, Avalon were called up to dress the Torah. Our Madrichat Tefillah, Ashne Amoils, carried the Torah around for everyone to kiss. All in all, it was a really enjoyable experience.

Mazal tov

That was the 1st Year 7 Torah Service and it was so successful that we hope to hold more throughout the year, with more student participation. Mazal tov, Lotus!

Daphna Levin-Kahn, Jewish Studies High School Co-ordinator