Volume 27 Issue 12 11 May 2018 26 Iyyar 5778

Design Project

Maxine Chopard | Assistant to the Deputy Principal | Maths Teacher

Design our next Blue Box project

At Assembly, this week, I spoke to the High School students about participating in the Design the next Blue Box project and the opportunity of having their design produced by the JNF for NSW State-wide distribution in 2019.

Israel celebrates its 70th year of independence this year and the Blue Box is in its 117th year of existence. Herzl’s visionary words still hold strong: “If you will it, it is no dream”. Being one of Emanuel staff who was on the Inaugural KKL-JNF Australia Educators Tour in January, I continue to reflect on the incredible growth and the place the Blue Box has had in the development of Israel.

Hopefully, a number of our students in both Primary and High School will take the opportunity to participate in the project.

I will be placing a Blue Box outside my office and encourage all who pass-by to make a contribution. There will also be printed forms for anyone who wishes to participate in the competition, which closes on 22 June 2018.,