Volume 27 Issue 12 11 May 2018 26 Iyyar 5778

East Timor Trip Update

David Whitcombe – Outreach Coordinator

Thirteen students from Year 9 are having an amazing time in East Timor. On their 1st full day in the capital Dili, they visited Santa Cruz cemetery –  the site of a massacre in 1991 that shocked the world. They also went to a museum called Chega where they learnt about  the history and struggle of the East Timorese under Indonesian occupation. 

They changed the mood with an uplifting visit to an AHAA school where teenagers in Dili from all over the country learn language and work skills.

Our students were up on stage and in front of classes on their 1st day in Dili.

They are now with our sister community, Gildapil, far up in the mountains of West, East Timor.

You can follow the group on Facebook (see below).

Students in Years 9-11 (2019) can express interest now for the 2019 trip by emailing dwhitcombe@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au