Volume 26 Issue 25 25 Aug 2017 3 Elul 5777

Emanuel School bags

Information about Emanuel School bags

A number of parents have made enquiries about the school bag. Midford has provided the following information which answers many of the queries. 
The school bag is a Posture Tuff Pack which is designed with a posture stabilising spinal rod and an anatomical back system shaped for the curvature of the spine, providing optimal support for the back. There are 2 sizes, a small 0.9 kg bag and a 1.1 kg bag, with the company stating the product is endorsed by chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists. Emanuel students can choose to purchase either of the bags irrespective of whether they are in Primary or High School. I will continue to encourage all students to adhere to school standards with regard to purchasing and carrying the Emanuel school bag.
Maxine Chopard
Assistant to the Deputy Principal