Volume 26 Issue 25 25 Aug 2017 3 Elul 5777

Kol Szenes


This week the new SRC and Peer Support Leaders were announced. While having leaders inside school is great, there are also many leaders outside of school who many people look up to. One of my leaders or role-models is Emma Watson. Emma Watson is an actress, best known for playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film franchise, and most recently, Belle in Beauty & the Beast. I look up to Emma Watson because not only did she play 2 iconic heroines, both of whom I looked up to from a young age, but also because she is an outspoken feminist; something I am very passionate about. Growing up in the spotlight must have been difficult, being sexualised by the media. But Emma was able to remain calm and keep her peace of mind, going to Brown University and being an Ambassador for the UN.

Another person I really look up to is Malala Yousafzai. Even growing up in areas where women are silenced, Malala was passionate and was extremely brave in speaking about what she truly believed in. Even after being shot in the head, Malala continued, and still continues to speak out about her beliefs in equality between everyone, regardless of gender, sex or religion.

Miriam Itzkowitz, Year 9

Mazal tov to:

Lion Smith, Year 11,  for starting 2 amazing clubs this term: Meditation Club and Compost Club!

Our new SRC leaders in Szenes House:

  • Sasha Goldman in Year 7
  • Liat Granot in Year 8
  • Asha Friedman in Year 9
  • Bella Flax in Year 10.

Our 2018 Year 11 Peer Support Leaders:

  • Matthew Joffe
  • Josh New
  • Jake Hyman
  • Zoe Miller
  • Mia Port
  • Erin Nabarro


  • Szenesians who participated in Night of Song.
  • Year 12s who performed at the Drama Showcase or presented their artwork at the Art Showcase.


On Monday, the Senior Debating Team lost a tough debate against Hunter Valley Grammar School (HVGS). The team was 100% Szenesian and consisted of Beau Glass (1st Speaker), Rebekah Goldsworthy (2nd Speaker), Isabella Flax (3rd Speaker) and Isaac Grove (Team Advisor). The topic was extremely difficult: ‘That Prisons Should be Abolished’ and Emanuel was the Affirmative Team (the team that agreed with the topic). We congratulate HVGS on their well-earned win and wish them luck in the semi-finals for HICES.

However, on Tuesday, the Middles Debating Team won against Central Coast Grammar. We had 1 Szenesian on the team, Chloe Miller (2nd Speaker), and we are so proud of her. The topic was: ‘That Face-to-Face Communication is more Beneficial than Facebook’, and Emanuel was the negative team. We are so proud of Emanuel and wish the Middles good luck in the semi-finals!

Word of the week:

OPPUGN to question the truth or validity of it

Quotation of the week:

‘Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.’
Steve Jobs

Enjoy the puzzles below and the weekend.

Shabbat Shalom

Puzzle Fun

  1. Word Game

Try to make as many words as you can out of this word!:


Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease, also known as silicosis. It was especially common among gold-miners because they’d breathe in the dirt, which would go into their lungs. This is one of the main reasons that gold-miners died, but also one of the main reasons that gold-miners would bring canaries down with them. When the canary shrieked, it was on the verge of death, meaning it had likely contracted the disease, which was a warning sign to the miner to go back up the mine.

  1. Animal Trivia!

How many questions can you answer correctly? Send your answers to me at itzkowitz.miriam@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au and whoever answers the most correct wins a prize.

What is unusual about the way marsupials give birth?

  1. They lay eggs
  2. The young eat the mother
  3. They reproduce only once
  4. Their newborns live in a pouch

What type of cat did fishermen’s wives keep at home to prevent a disaster at sea?

  1. Black cat
  2. Persian cat
  3. Rex cat
  4. Tabby cat

What black and red butterfly migrates to Canada from Mexico using internal ‘compasses’ to track its position relative to the sun?

  1. Buckeye
  2. Birdwing
  3. Monarch
  4. Glasswing

Which of these is a decapod?

  1. Earthworm
  2. Crab
  3. Octopus
  4. Spider

During one of its nocturnal runs, often during specific phases of the moon, what fish waits for very high tides to lay eggs deep on sandy beaches?

  1. Growler
  2. Groaner
  3. Grunion
  4. Grouper

Europeans call our version of this animal a wapiti. We call their version of this animal a moose. What is it?

  1. Unicorn
  2. Elk
  3. Caribou
  4. Reindeer

Which breed of dog is the only actual American breed?

  1. Bloodhound
  2. Boston Terrier and Catahoula
  3. Collie
  4. Pit Bull

Which animal has had 2 family movies made about him, one in 1993 and a sequel in 1995?

  1. Flipper
  2. Lassie
  3. Smokey the Bear
  4. Keiko

What unusual ability do swiftlets and oilbirds have?

  1. They can perfectly mimic human voice
  2. They can use echoes to fly in the dark
  3. They can stay underwater for days at a time
  4. They can sting prey with venom

How high can the puma and leopard jump?

  1. 5ft (5m)
  2. 12ft (3.7m)
  3. 24ft (7.3m)
  4. 5ft (1.5m)

Report by Miriam Itzkowitz, Year 9