Volume 26 Issue 25 25 Aug 2017 3 Elul 5777

Emanuel Run Against Violence team

Many Emanuel students remember Kirrily Dear who visited the School for the showing of her film Icebergs. Kirrily is an ultra marathon runner who is determined to raise awareness of domestic violence.

This week at assembly Samara Trenaman in Year 9 spoke to the High School about the Run Against Violence. We are aiming to enter school teams into this great initiative.

How it works:

  • Any High School student is invited to join the Emanuel team
  • Each member of the team runs as many kilometres as possible each day for the 19 days of the challenge.
  • The challenge runs from 30 August to 17 September
  • Runs are completed in each individual’s own time, place and at their own pace, however the best fun is always had when running with family and friends
  • Each student has their parents sign off on their running diary with each run
  • Each individual logs their running distances each day on the team’s virtual challenge page
  • The aim is for our team to race Kirrily as she runs from Broken Hill to the Sydney Opera House
  • Parents and staff are welcome!

For any enquiries and registrations please email kreed@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au