Volume 30 Issue 33 05 Nov 2021 1 Kislev 5782

Pavlova + cream

Michelle Favero, Director, Capital Appeal

I love cooking and baking. With almost 50 recipe books, colour-coded by their spines on my bookshelf, they make for a very pretty colour wall. Ottolenghi, Lawson, Donna Hay, MMCC – they all have their chosen spot. The thing about food is that they have traditional pairings – brisket and tzimmes, chicken soup and matzah balls, pavlova and cream, honey and cake. Oy vey, my mouth is watering and my oven is calling.

Throughout history, we are faced with a similar theme – Napoleon and Josephine, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII (OK, didn’t end too well), Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII.

And in entertainment too – Superman and Lois Lane, Homer and Marge, Sonny and Cher, John and Yoko.

By now you’re picking up a theme. The thing is that, throughout history, in so many quarters, we’ve found that you can’t have one without the other (thanks Frank). 

“How is this relevant?” I hear you ask. “How is it possible to tie this to our current reality?”.

It’s simple really. Take the Capital Appeal – the new building and our bright future, your support and our bright future, your commitment and our bright future – you can’t have one without the other. Whilst we have raised a staggering $7.5 million so far, we are still short of $2.5 million to make our bright future a reality.

So, if you haven’t yet sent in your pledge card or donated online, you still have time (but not much). And if your pledge card is lost amongst the cookbooks, go to ourbrightfuture.com.au where we’ve made it easy for you to donate online. After all, you can’t build a building without money!