Volume 30 Issue 33 05 Nov 2021 1 Kislev 5782

Mini Olympics

Kristy Genc – Director of Sports K-12

K-6 Inter-House Step Challenge winners

Earlier this term, K-6 students were invited to take part in the Inter-House Step Challenge. It was great to see students increasing their daily physical activity whilst learning from home and recognising the benefits of being active. Over 90 students took part in the initiative and received their certificates. Well done to all students who took part. This week, the House Captains released a video announcing the final results. 

House results:

1st place: Wynn (2,873,060 steps)
2nd place: Cowen (1,801,710 steps)
3rd place: Monash (1,332,073 steps)



Primary Inter-House Olympics

This week Years K-2 all took part in the Inter-House Mini Olympics. 

Each year group participated in an exciting tabloid-style event with fun modified ‘Olympic’ style events. Well done to all the students, who participated with great spirit and enjoyed the day. 

House winners on Tuesday 2 November 2021:

Year K: Monash
Year 1: Monash
Year 2: Monash 

In the coming weeks, Year 3 (Tuesday 9 November 2021) and Year 4 (Thursday 11 November 2021), will take part in this great event, with the overall winning House announced in Week 7.