Volume 29 Issue 4 21 Feb 2020 26 Shevat 5780

Year 6 Leadership Camp

Year 6 at their Leadership Camp

Year 6 Leadership Experience 

On 13 and 14 February, all Year 6 students were lucky enough to be involved in Leadership Training. This was a two-day experience involving all of us learning about collaboration, communication and organisation.

On the first day, Year 6 travelled to All Sorts in Alexandria. We did team building activities including bubble soccer, archery tag and wheelchair basketball. These activities taught us how to work as a team and how to communicate under pressure. We also did other activities in small groups that focussed on practising team building techniques. Some activities taught us the importance of non-verbal and verbal communication. This reminded us to think about what we say as well as how we say it. Some of these activities taught us how important it is to be precise when we communicate so we achieve the best results. At the end of the day, we returned to school and spoke about Emanuel School’s values and our personal values. We created a poster that included ideas about what a good leader should be like. We created a shared Year 6 vision for our year of leadership. We decided that we would lead with determination, resilience and respect. We all signed our names on the poster to show that we were a part of that commitment. After a delicious barbecue dinner made by Mr Carpenter, we watched a movie called Remember the Titans. It is a movie about racism, leadership, team building and flexibility. At the end of the day, we left the school exhausted from an amazing day, jam-packed with fun activities and powerful learning.

On Friday we returned to school with smiles on our faces and excited for what the day would bring. We began the day with Shabbat with Year 12 leaders. We then reflected on the movie and thought about how the characters displayed leadership skills. We participated in creating posters about strong Jewish leaders throughout history with Year 12 students. We had a two-hour mentor session which was exciting and productive. All of the Year 6 leaders got together in their leadership groups to begin planning the year ahead. In our group of Madrichim, we discussed Anti-bullying day and came up with some exciting plans (we can’t tell you our ideas yet…no spoilers!). We had lunch and then a session on mindfulness with Mrs Slender. She taught us how to focus in order to stay calm and be aware of what is happening around us. The day ended with a ruach session with some very energetic High School students. It was so much fun!

Overall, Year 6 loved Leadership Camp 2020 and we will remember it for the rest of our lives.

By the Primary School Madrichim