Volume 29 Issue 4 21 Feb 2020 26 Shevat 5780

Emanuel Archaeological Dig 2020

Christian Bell – HSIE Teacher, Acting Year 7 Co-ordinator and Year 11 Tutor

Emanuel Archaeological Dig 2020

In Weeks 3 and 4 the Year 11 Ancient History class conducted their annual archaeological dig on the school grounds. This year they excavated an area next to the Brender-Moss Building to learn more about the archaeological process. The Year 11 class has recorded their findings and process on a Google Site that you can access and explore here: https://sites.google.com/emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au/emanuelarcheologicaldig2020/home

Our school site has quite a long and interesting history. One of the first known permanent buildings to be constructed on the site was Aston Lodge (the Saunders Admin and Reception Building), which was built in 1864-65 for John Watkins (a Merchant and Randwick Alderman). The School was later used as a convent and school by the Loreto Sisters and then the Little Sisters of the Poor. There is still evidence to mark the school’s past if you pay close attention – the Aron Kleinlehrer Performing Arts Centre (PAC) used to be a Chapel and there is a small grotto behind it.

The Year 1 classes visited the excavations in Week 4 to learn about the school’s history through the artefacts that the Year 11 students uncovered. This is one of the many great opportunities for the Primary and High School students to share their knowledge and learn from working with each other.