Volume 29 Issue 4 21 Feb 2020 26 Shevat 5780

Rashi Times

Jonathan Schach, Year 11

Rashi Times

Welcome back to a brand new year which I hope is filled with lots of smiles, competition and excitement.

Unfortunately, the first carnival of the year was unable to make its appearance due to a couple days of chaotic weather. There was however a makeup carnival that happened a few days later for the keen students. I would like to congratulate all participants of the races and especially Rashi House for their outstanding performance. Results shall be announced in the next upcoming days and from what I have seen, the outcome looks quite close.

Even though the entire school was not involved in the carnival, some would say that it still went ahead for everyone due to the flooding along streets, paths and even the giant puddles found on the basketball court. Admittedly, the storm left many astray from their normal routine and even managed to place itself into the ‘Guinness Book of Sydney Records’.

Being the heaviest rain Sydney has seen in over five years, beaches were closed, along with streets and schools. Even a few of the main roads across Sydney managed to get up to five meters deep. Despite the subtle annoyance of the weather over these few days, this situation has been one of the best outcomes for Australia due to the recent and tragic bushfires.  As of now, only 50 fires in NSW are still burning and this is thanks to the recent contribution of rainfall.

It has been a catastrophic entrance for Australia in the commencing of this new year, but hopefully we are coming to the end of the tunnel and only the optimistic future is ahead.

Thanks so much and have a wonderful weekend.