Volume 28 Issue 38 29 Nov 2019 1 Kislev 5780

Year 2 Pathways

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Year 2 Pathways Siddur Presentation

Last Thursday Year 2 students and their families attended a special תפילה/prayer service to present the Year 2 students with their own סידור/siddur. This סידור/siddur will be used by the students during their weekly prayers at School. In preparation for Pathways, each סידור/siddur was personalised and made unique. Parents wrote their own special prayer for their child which has been placed at the front of the סידור/siddur. Students created their own ברכה/bracha or blessing of gratitude that will be included in their סידור/siddur.

Students and their parents participated in singing songs, prayers and in the Torah service. For the Pathways ceremony, Year 2 students sang  אדון עולם/Adon Olam with representatives from Year 2 sharing their own personal blessings. Before giving their child their סידור/siddur, parents were led in the ברכת בנים/birkat banim, the blessing over the children. This beautiful ceremony was followed by hugs, kisses and the singing of siman tov u’ mazal tov.

The pride and delight expressed by the children and their families over the giving of the סידור/siddur was very special. Families shared a quiet moment at the end of the ceremony to read over and share the special blessings they wrote.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and family members who were able to attend the ceremony, and for the love and care put into writing the blessing for their child. Thank you to all the teachers involving in preparing the students and in the ceremony – Morah Becky, Morah Miri, Morah Shirley, Morah Gaida, Ms Ersa and Ms Strub.