Volume 28 Issue 38 29 Nov 2019 1 Kislev 5780

Primary News

Katie Brody – Director of Studies K-6

Year 6 Fun Day

Thank you to all the Year 6 teachers and children for the amazing efforts in preparing and carrying out the sensational Fun Day 2019. You certainly did provide a lot of fun for our students and teachers, whilst also raising over $3000 for the school. Congratulations and thank you!

Please see article below, written by Year 6 students, Daliah Smagarinsky and Liberty Waldner.

Implementation of the new Syllabus in 2020

Through Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), students in Years K-6 develop self management, interpersonal and movement skills to help them become empowered, self-confident and socially responsible citizens. The learning in PDHPE provides students with a foundation to actively contribute to and advocate for the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others within our school community and beyond. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in physical activity to develop movement skills and recognise the impact of physical activity on health and wellbeing.

It has been over twenty years since the PDHPE syllabus has been revised and now that we have this new syllabus to implement, it brings an exciting opportunity to revise and refresh our programs and learning experiences. It will be mandatory for all schools in NSW to implement the new syllabus in 2020 and our Emanuel teachers have been preparing. We have been meeting for professional learning sessions to explore the new PDHPE syllabus aims and intent and have been looking at the best ways to address the needs of our students. Part of this process has been to prepare a sequence of learning for Years K-6 to span the course of each term. We have scoped a highly comprehensive course for students, that includes the invaluable Leader in Me program, Grow Your Mind, Paws b Mindfulness, Interrelate and Healthy Harold – as well as a comprehensive look at the PE programs.

Part of our planning process has been to find meaningful connections between the PDHPE Syllabus content and our existing Transdisciplinary units so that we can deepen the understanding in core classes and allow students to transfer their learning. In addition, looking forward to incorporate the Leader in Me program and Grow Your Mind in formal lessons and during incidental learning opportunities. This should serve to support the social and emotional development of our students.

Further ICAS Results

Apologies for the following omissions and congratulations to the following students:

Digital Technologies Distinction Year 5: Asher Flipczyk, Avalon Gold, Amelie Mueller, Noa Rosenzveig and Dylan Vitek

Science Distinction Year 5: Avalon Gold

Science Distinction Year 6: Daliah Smagarinsky, Niek Nathan, Raphael Harpaz, Aaron Berkowitz. Elias Davis

Science Credit Year 6: Ariel Bloom, Ashley Cohn and Joshua Ottaviano

Science Merit Year 6: Gemma Wainstein

Year 6 Fun Day 

On Friday 22 November 2019, Year 6 took part in the annual Year 6 Fun Day. Every year the primary graduating year create and run amazing stalls for the rest of the Primary School to enjoy. The Fun Day is all about Year 6 giving back to the Primary School community. 

Using entrepreneurial, innovative and planning skills, Year Six created a day of fun, games and excitement. Year 6 has been busily preparing for the day for three weeks. They have created posters, made announcements and gone shopping for supplies. Some of the stalls offered services like glitter, hair braiding and face painting, whereas others offered games and activities like throwing the sponge at people’s faces or doing obstacle courses. From other stalls you could purchase toys, tattoos, slime and more! Each store was unique and creative, and really represented the creator of the stall!

Year 6 spent the first period of Friday setting up and getting ready. There was a nervous, excited buzz in the air! Years K-2 arrived and business began. People were shopping and playing and the Year 6 students were working hard. The fun continued until period 6, when everyone was tired but ecstatic. Period 6 meant that the sad time of packing up and closing stalls had come around.

After a day of fun and hard work, Year 6 had completed the annual Fun Day! A huge thank you to Ms Clennar, Ms Haddix, Ms Rom and Mr Lukins for making this day happen. Thank you for all of your hard work, planning and preparation!

Congratulations to all of Year 6 for creating and completing yet another extraordinary Fun Day! 

by Daliah Smagarinsky and Liberty Waldner

Magnificent Year 6 Musicians at the Montefiore

On Sunday 24 November 2019, some of our wonderful Year 6 musicians played a range of classic pieces for delighted residents at the Montefiore Home. Aaron Berkowitz, Neik Nathan and Toby Seemann on the violin with Devan Bloch on the cello can be seen in these lovely photographs. The boys have been taught by Leo Novikov and the photos were taken by Ofer Levy.