Volume 28 Issue 38 29 Nov 2019 1 Kislev 5780


Terry Aizen – Director Kornmehl


We have begun learning about Chanukah – the story, the symbols and traditions of this beautiful and fun festival in preparation for when Chanukah comes around on the 23 December 2019. Our explorations of this festival are done through music, songs, art and of course food!

Bush School

We invite all Kornmehl families to join us down at Centennial Park on Friday 6 December 2019 for our final Bush School experience of the year. This will take place from drop off at 8.00 am until about 11.00 am. Please bring some snacks and drinks. Come and experience the wonders of nature with your children.

Dentist Visit Kornmehl

Dr Hayman visited us on Tuesday and spoke to the children about dental health. She demonstrated how to brush and clean our teeth and told us about the importance of eating healthy foods, that are good for our teeth.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

The Dolphin and Starfish have now completed all their parent/teacher meetings. We hope that the parents found the time productive and meaningful. It is a lovely way to bring closure to a very busy year for your children and we value this important time to reflect and chat to parents.


We have been practicing for our concert which is coming up next week Thursday 5 December at 5.30 pm in the Lehrer Family Building (MPH). We are looking forward to sharing this special time with families.

Waste Audit

Following on from the waste audit conducted last week across the whole school, a group of Dolphins went to go and look at the pile of waste. Here are their comments:

Josh: Some of it might have flew away into the ocean.

Talia: Some of the waste could have gone in the compost for the worm farm.

Leo: There is so much paper in there.

Talia: We could make other stuff with the recycling stuff.

Josh: We could offer the food to the worms in the worm farm.

Leo: It could take 100 years to break down. It’s a lot of rubbish. Guess what I am wondering Jared? How many pieces of rubbish are in all of those bags?

Jared: 100

Zach: 150

Our Stick Insects

A group of Starfish and Dolphin children had their first opportunity to handle the stick insects. It is fascinating to closely observe them walking, dancing and noticing their movements and how they use their bodies for movement. It is beautiful to notice and reflect on another living creature and the body language they share with us.

 Zac: Their heads remind me of an elf, it is pointy like an elf’s ears.

Jack: This one is Mrs Prickles and the other one over there is Mrs Camo – for Mrs Camouflage and there is Mrs Spikey and Ellie like the mum’s name.

We discussed how the creatures are living, growing and changing just like we are. We were noticing the curling tail and found out that the creatures only do this to protect themselves when they feel they may be in danger.

Halle: Look at her tail she is feeling happy with me now because she is not curling her tail anymore.

Jack: Yes, I think she feels safe now and knows you won’t hurt her.

(Beautiful conversation and learning to live with and care for other living creatures in our world.)

School Connections

The Starfish and Dolphins were invited on two separate days last week to enjoy the healthy food creations made by the Year 8 students up at Emanuel School.

Thank you to Mrs Lisa Starkey and her Year 8 students who invited us to share the creative and healthy fruit and veggie creatures. Being on one campus affords us the opportunity and privilege to have these wonderful connections with our school community.

On Wednesday this week, we were invited to the Emanuel Stanley Street café to enjoy afternoon tea with another group of High School students. Thank you for thinking of us, because we love these opportunities to come up to the school and share in experiences with the older students.

Buddy Reading with the Year 2s has also been a weekly occurrence that the children have loved the past three terms. This term, instead of our Buddies coming down to Kornmehl, we have taken the children up to the Blue Ocean to read stories together in this space. Another link –  with the purpose of supporting the children with their transition into Year K next year.

Security Guard Message

With the end of the year approaching we spoke to the children about the role that the security guards play at Pre-school and how we can thank them for the work that they do:

Sierra: The security guards have a meeting in the car park. They open the gates for cars to come in. Just in case there are bad people that come in, like people who don’t come to this school.

Jade: They watch people to keep them safe.

Leo: They look after us and make sure no robbers come into the school and keep an eye on the gate and let people come in. The security guards help us when there are fires.

Hannah: They keep the people safe.

Jared: The security guards are there in case people that are not allowed come in. We could make them a card to say thank you.

Kobe: They make sure there is not a crash of cars.

Samara: They are there so the night time baddies don’t come in.

Stevie: Thank you for keeping us safe because if there is a fire, they call the firemen. They open the gate for the cars to come in. They are friendly. They always say hi to my mum. One of them works with my mum at the museum.

Eliana: They keep people safe because nobody wants to get hurt. Thank you for protecting us.

Joel: Thank you for letting the cars in.

Giddy: Thank you for letting the cars out.

Talia: Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for not letting the baddies in.