Volume 29 Issue 34 06 Nov 2020 19 Heshvan 5781

Singing and praying

As Term 4 started, rules around COVID-19 and singing changed, allowing us to sing together outside or inside in well-ventilated rooms. This has been a really good change as we had missed coming together and praying.

During Term 3, we often led prayers through Zoom, with classes in their classrooms. At times we were not allowed to sing, so we either had to read prayers or listen as they were sung by the leaders.

Our first Shabbat celebration of the term was a bit unusual as we did it in the Adler Courtyard with Years 5 and 6 only and we had no microphone due to COVID and the HSC exams. The atmosphere was filled with ruach, as it had been so long since we were together singing familiar Shabbat songs. 

On Thursdays we are now able to have our Torah service, with Years 3 and Year 4 together in the Triguboff Courtyard with Morah Gaida and on Waxman Drive led by Mr Carpenter. 

By Louis Faktor, Gabriella Karro, Akeisha Kantor, Oscar Saul, Suzanna Garbuz, Ariella Cohen, Boaz Simhi 
Primary Jewish Life Leaders