Volume 29 Issue 34 06 Nov 2020 19 Heshvan 5781


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

Last week I attended the annual Careers Advisors Association Conference. This is usually held in Darling Harbour where hundreds of careers advisors attend. This year, it won’t surprise anyone that this was held over Zoom. Tens of thousands dollars were saved in catering, exhibition space, travel, hotel accommodation and more. The cost of the conference halved for us all. I for one, saved myself a trip to the city and overeating a few extra brownies. It was a great example of the pros and cons on the changing nature of work for 2020, and this conference format will be here to stay. This is the work world that our students are entering into.

I was able to download some excellent resources that I want to share with students and parents depending on your area of interest.

There are statistics, data and future-proofing information that I feel will help all ages.

A Career in Health

Applying to overseas Universities (U.S. and UK)

Careers in Humanitarian Engineering

Careers in Agriculture

Pre-Apprentice Training (Carpentry, Building, Plumbing, Trades etc)

Future-Proof Yourself (A.Professor Lan Snell, Macquarie Business School)

Talks by the following speakers were held:

  1. Keynote Speaker: Dr Ali Walker – Knowing Me, Knowing You: The Power of Human Connection
  2. How You Can Future-Proof Yourself: The Top Labour Market Trends You Need to Know – Associate Professor Lan Snell – Academic Program Director, Global MBA, Macquarie University discussed how different the work landscape looks for the 2000 vs 2018 jobs.
  3. Careers in Health: Critical Workforces; Career Pathways; Cadetships; Scholarships – Nicola Clemens, Senior Allied Health Project Officer, NSW Ministry of Health Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch

My full keynotes can be found here.

Map your health career

An amazing new health-based website  has launched allowing you to map out your area of interest rather than simply thinking about whether to do Nursing or become a Doctor. NDIS is changing the playing field and disability space is really changing the landscape.


Explore your career options

Below is detailed information on the areas I am most asked about:
Social Work
Exercise Physiology