Volume 29 Issue 15 28 May 2020 5 Sivan 5780

National Reconciliation Week

David Whitcombe – HSIE Teacher & Outreach Co-ordinator

This week is Reconciliation Week, marking the dates of the important and successful referendum in 1967 and the High Court Mabo decision in 1992.

This year the theme is In this Together which sounds like a COVID-19 slogan but was actually decided on last year.

There are many events taking place online (see below) and offline that we can all view and join but there is something else we can do. Every Australian should be aware of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. It is a call from the First Australians to hear them and to see them. If and when a referendum is called we should know about the statement and understand what a “Voice” to parliament means and does not mean. We should know what a “Treaty” might entail and know how a “Truth” commission might work.

At Emanuel next week every student in Years 7 to 10 (and some in Year 11) will view a student version of In my Blood it Runs. You’ll find out more about the film in this study guide. Please ask your child next week after they view the documentary what they got out of it. It is a contemporary story of a ten year old Indigenous boy, the life he leads and the issues he faces.

This week we also think our of dear friends at Jilkminggan School and hope they stay safe and healthy.

Voice. Treaty. Truth.

For more about Reconciliation Week please see:




